Surrounded By Women!

Thái Huy Long




Behind a successful man is a woman

Beside a happy man is his woman

In front of a rich man are other pretty women

Blaming yourselves before complaining about women

In front of a crowd, a faithful man talks about his woman

In front of other women, a wise man does not talk too long about his woman

Not let her man leave herself behind too long, should a careful woman

Research says a man thinks many times in a day about women

So, is his one of these women ?

Socrates became philosopher thanks to his mean woman

Khổng Minh did not want to marry a beautiful woman

In romantic poems, no differences between girl and woman

What else do poets think about when they look at women ?  

“We own  men !”   Chant proud women   


Thái Huy Long


 Câu chuyện t́nh gắn keo sơn lăng mạn giữa ông Emmanuel Macron(ứng cử viên Tổng Thống Pháp) giáo Brigitte Trogneux hơn 25 tuổi của ḿnh đă gây nhiều sôi nỗi.

Ông Macron thương yêu vợ Brigitte của ḿnh đă tha thiết nói:

  “Brigitte luôn luôn giùp đỡ tôi. Không th́ tôi sẽ chẳng được thành công như ngày hôm nay”

Ông Macron vừa đắc cử vẻ vang Tổng Thống Pháp.



…..They walked hand-in-hand into the victory rally, embraced and kissed on stage: Emmanuel Macron, winner of the first round of the French presidential election, and his elegant blonde wife Brigitte.

…Then he turned, smiled at her and thanked the most steadfast supporter of them all, his wife Brigitte: “always there, and what’s more, without whom I wouldn’t be me.”

Aged 64, Ms Macron is a grandmother-of-seven and 25 years her fresh-faced 39-year-old husband’s senior.  Even better, perhaps, they met when he was 15 and she was his married, private school teacher - with a daughter of the same age, in the same class.